Livestock Tour - Saturday 8th June 1:45pm [Behind the Scenes for the Centenary]

Livestock Tour - Saturday 8th June 1:45pm [Behind the Scenes for the Centenary]

from £0.00

Join Farmer, Daniel Yabsley, for a behind the scenes tour of the livestock of Plaw Hatch Farm. You’ll go for a walk to see the pigs, chickens, sheep and cows and learn what it is that makes how we farm so unique. The walk will finish with you walking up the track with the dairy herd as they come in for the afternoon milking.

We have long operated an open farm policy to encourage the connection between people and food production. However, with such a busy team, it’s not often that you get the opportunity to be taken on a guided tour of the farm. Falling at the end of half term, this first walk is perfect for families.

Spaces are limited so booking is essential. £5 per adult, free for under 16s (please still book an under 16s space using the option in the drop down selection below)

Please wear weather appropriate clothing (waterproofs, sunhats) and sturdy shoes as you will be going across fields with uneven terrain. Some parts of the walk are not appropriate for pushchairs or those with limited mobility. Dogs are not allowed on the farm.

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Land and Biodiversity Tour - Saturday 13th July 1:45pm [Behind the Scenes for the Centenary]
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Land and Biodiversity Tour - Saturday 13th July 1:45pm [Behind the Scenes for the Centenary]

from £0.00

Spring Water Tour - Saturday 21st September 1:45pm [Behind the Scenes for the Centenary]

from £0.00