Hello from Jake: the garden apprentice


Joining Plaw Hatch Farm around 6 months ago, it was my intention to learn more about how high quality, nourishing food is grown through the practice of biodynamic agriculture. Prior to taking on the apprentice role in the garden, I had been at university studying Human Geography. My university degree offered great academic opportunities, but almost nothing in relation to practical skills. I felt it necessary to reconnect with my hands and learn how to grow food on a day-to-day hands-on level rather than being stuck in my mind, and hoping to be a tiny part of the change we need.

To me, learning the basics of food production is an important part of being a conscious human being. This is something that has been severed from many people across contemporary culture, leaving people unable to care for their own being, community and landscape. The conventional food system offers nutritionally desolate food produced in a destructive way, leading to the health crisis we are currently have. It is vital that more people become intimately connected to their food system in order to move forward into a loving society.

In the short time I have been working in the garden it has been an educational, challenging and nourishing experience already. I maybe came with a slightly naïve and idealistic view of what a biodynamic farming looks like. Being up against the frost in winter, hot drought conditions over summer and many hours of physical work have at times required a level of commitment. However, any negative aspects have been far outweighed by being able to work outside all week, connecting with nature, real food and all the wonderful people here at Plaw Hatch.

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