Plaw Hatch Farm is a 200-acre community-owned farm on the edge of the Ashdown Forest near Sharpthorne. It has been a biodynamic farm for forty years and is owned by a charitable trust. In total we farm close to 500 acres within a 12-mile radius of the main farm. As tenant farmers our aim is to provide as wide a range of produce as possible, principally to the local community. Our prices reflect the true cost of food production allowing for re-investment towards the sustainability of the farm. We are a mixed farm with a dairy herd providing raw milk, cheeses, yoghurts and cream. We also keep beef cattle, sheep, pigs and laying hens. A garden of 12 acres provides a range of seasonally available fruit and vegetables. All our own produce plus organic produce from local suppliers is available through our farm shop. We operate an open farm policy and encourage you to take a look round to see how we keep our land and animals and what makes us so unique. Find a map of the farm walk in the Shop, or visit our Health & Safety page for a PDF.
We at Plaw Hatch Farm employ a biodynamic agricultural approach that values sustainable husbandry of the land and responsible and loving welfare of the animals. We value the people who contribute to the farm’s day to day activities and seek to create a working environment that honours integrity, peace, happiness, honesty, personal responsibility, passion, love, authenticity, freedom and balance, and which celebrates the beauty of the farm’s natural environment.
We embrace challenges. We highly value our connection to the local community, of which we are all also individual parts, and strive to operate a farm business that is a transparent example of ethical and sustainable agriculture on every level, offering on living display the full cycle of food production. We seek to provide a working farm environment which honours learning, teaching, and personal and community growth and development. We operate an ethical financial approach which is in harmony with our values. We see ourselves as stewards of the farm, embodying man’s sacred relationship to the land, creating a legacy of richness at every level for future generations.